
2021.11.03 -- 0.0.1β -- site launch & basic structure

2021.11.05 -- 0.1.0 -- added images, updated texts

2021.11.20 -- 0.1.2β -- added portfolio section,
changed home link font+colour, updated texts and images,
unified link styles accross site,
cleaned up homepage link tree & added intervals,
added invisible guestbook section
added changelog
added nintendo switch friend code to contact page
got my shit together and finally made an about page that’s not just a stripped-down portfolio

2021.11.26 -- 0.1.3β -- finally managed to collectively throw together a jabber server,
added an xmpp subdomain,
figured out how to work the whole thing
& added new contact

2022.02.03 -- 0.1.4 -- added a hire section & separate email,
launched secret,
updated overall links on the site

2022.03.25 -- 1.1.2β -- got every home
audio coming next update

2022.03.26 -- 1.1.2 -- audio is here! check

2022.04.16 -- 1.1.3β -- added pronouns to bio
& fixed some grammar here and there
did some styling

2022.06.01 -- 1.4.2β -- fixed mistakes,
cleaned up selections
added cool counters and buttons
broke the guestbook, currently under investigation

2022.09.06 36.2 -- 2.0β -- new date measurement system for changelog
fixed some basic bugs
brought server back from the dead
started working on (no link yet as will be ready by full release)
added a²+b² (click!)