JS Beat Time

we kindly ask you to use utc+0 (gmt) or internet time if you would like to collaborate and schedule meetings online.

the current @ time is:


the best date format for collaboration between different countries is yyyy.mm.dd, making the current utc+0 time and date



the reasoning behind this is simple. we will be travelling a lot in the coming months, and, from what we’ve seen, scheduling calls is a terrible pain.

between different date and time formats, these are the most univeral, ignore daylight savings and allow for easier scheduling when local time is changing constantly. 

the yyyy/mm/dd allows for easier sync between colleagues in europe-us-ch-jp.

you can use internet-ti.me to check and schedule. there are lots of converters available online, as well as a couple of helpful apps for win, linux, mac and moblile os.

the code used in the creation of this page is available here. we’ve only modified it lightly.

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